
Here is a short list of resources about science, ecology, and programming that I find particularly useful and interesting.

Science communication and knowledge transfer

  • Data feminism by Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren F. Klein: doing data science to dismantle systems of power

  • The climate book by Greta Thunberg et al: understanding and mitigating climate change

  • Les Lucioles: graduate students of the Biology Department (my colleagues!) discussing their research (French)

  • Ologies: various discussions about biology and culture

Youtube channels

Programming and data science

Textbooks and guides
  • Guides to better science: guides of the British Ecological Society to promote research excellence

  • Quarto: building a personal website using Quarto (was very helpful when I built mine)

  • Statistical rethinking by Richard McElreath: a (funny) Bayesian course with examples in R and Stan

  • Think Julia: programming in Julia like a data scientist

Data visualization and images

Ecological and environmental data

Occurrence and distribution data
Species trait data
Species interaction data
Climate and geographic data
  • CHELSA: global climate of the earth’s land surface

  • Worldclim: global climate

Other databases


Humanities and geography