Hi there! Salut!

I am a postdoctoral fellow in computational ecology at the University of Montreal. I have a profound interest in understanding how living organisms interact with each other and how these relationships, good and bad, can alter our understanding of biodiversity. My love for numbers and computers have led me to develop mathematical models of food webs, which are complex networks of predators and prey. With my models, I aim to improve our understanding of the ecological drivers of species interactions, in both aquatic and terrestrial environments, and predict the structure of food webs both locally and regionally.

I use he/him pronouns.


Postdoc in biodiversity science and policy (since 2025)
Université de Montréal, Canada

PhD in computational ecology (2019-24)
Université de Montréal, Canada

What’s keeping me busy now

I’m currently looking at the link between biodiversity indicators and One Health. Stay tuned!

I’m also learning how to teach to become an ecology professor.

Current affiliations

Computational Ecology Research Group

Computational Biodiversity Science & Services program

Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science
